I love the outdoors life. I love picking mushrooms and berries, especially cloudberries. But this year was a bad one for those, because the flowers froze in May so there weren't any. I don't know if I like the calm in the woods that much, like some people say. Maybe it's because I'm quite restless. I love lush forests, like the ones in England, when it's green everywhere and the sun is shining. It's like breathing freedom for a while. I love collecting the fruits of nature because it's just there, free for you to take. It gives you a feeling of content when you have made your own jam or juice, or when you find a big spot of edible, tasty mushrooms. I hope my neighbours are nice to me and let me empty their gooseberry bushes so I can make juice of the berries. I'll just have to ask nicely.
Postat av: lukke
What is cloudberries? I had to look it up at wikipedia. I don't think its a suiting name for such sunny berries. They don't even taste like clouds.
My mother found a lot of chanterelles int the forest. She made sundays dinner out of them. She said she found them becous an old man int the village is to sick to run around in the forrest picking all the mushrooms. He never tells where he finds them and if you ask he says "I found them in the forrest".
Postat av: Fia
What a funny man. And how nice for your mum to find such things. I found them myself today, also such who are in the picture. Everywhere I went I stumbled over new ones. It's so nice. Did you know what gooseberries were?